This coming saturday... 05 August 2006
hey guys... this sat's soccer is still on... we are still playing at NUS field @ 9am... currently 17 people have indicated that they will be there...
1. Alvin Hoi
2. Sebastian Soh
3. Andrew Kwa
4. Lionel Ngooi
5. Daniel Han
6. Anton Wibowo
7. Luke Tang
8. Ruben
9. Jeremy Chua
10. Sam Cho
11. Jason Wong
12. Mervyn Soon
13. Ben Soh
14. Pravin Menon
15. Chia I-Ming
16. Eduard Lee
17. Derek Ong
so if you are planning to come this sat, please contact either myself or sebastian. it will help in our logistics of getting the drinks.
Some things to note...
1. if you look at the sidebar, you will noticed that there is a section on matches coming up... got a match against marine parade football club but still waiting for our saturday attendance to be more stable before playing... also looking at buying new sets of jersey due to the fact that many of you guys doesn't have our blue adidas jersey. so we are going to have a poll here and see what colour we want to buy.
2. this blog will be our official notice blog. so come on up here on fridays or anytime to check out new announcements and stuff. we will post advance notices if the committee know that we are not able to play on any saturday. also valid if we are changing venues or when we are playing a match against another team and need to post some admin instructions.
3. i would like to be able to add more people to this blog so that you can post anything on this blog but i do not have the emails of most of you guys. my email address can be located on the sidebar, so if you don't feel safe posting your email address on the chatterbox, just send a email to me and i'll add you to the blog. currently, only me and sebastian are granted admin status.
so.... feel free to come on more often to this blog and take a look!
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